Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Iniciatic Times By NEORACLE


Iniciatic Times



Written by

Steve Sheppard


This is one of those rare singles that might be worth gazing at the art work whilst listening to it, this is indeed a grand opus of great glory by NEORACLE called Iniciatic Times, one that perhaps falls into the bracket or genres of both Neo Classical and Soundtrack, and it is certainly worthy of both.

The powerful mysterious opening and its harmonic ethereal vocals reminded me of the band 2002 back in their early days, the symphonic gestures combined beautifully with the vocalisations were delicious, but as the piece moved on, one could feel the regal nature of this dramatic piece take hold and take us to a different place entirely. The prince and princess come home perhaps, then towards the latter half of the release the tempo ramps up to an almost rock opera status, this I believe must be one of the most unique and exciting new singles I have had the pleasure to review this year, and most certainly is worthy of an opportunity of a movie segment.

Iniciatic Times by NEORACLE is that empowering offering you have been waiting for, if you are a fan of truly splendid symphonic classically style music with a modern twist, then this new single must make its way onto your playlist of choice, or into your musical library at all costs, it is stunning, go get a copy now!

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