Thursday, July 4, 2024

Stardust By Alise Ashby




Alise Ashby

Written by

Steve Sheppard


For me Neil deGrasse Tyson said it all when he stated “There are as many atoms in a single molecule of your DNA as there are stars in the typical galaxy. We are each of us, a little universe, we are all of us stars, and we deserve to twinkle.” How beautifully put is that, and in this new release by Alise Ashby, her music and piano performances shine like the yellow dwarf that sustains our lives on her new release Stardust.

This seven track piano based release is like a breath of fresh air in the vast realms of the global piano collective, this is a collection of beautiful tunes and soothing melodies that I thoroughly enjoyed and drifted within for many hours, the opening piece in particular brought me great tranquillity, this gem is entitled Morning Light and is a blissful start to an album of this splendour.

The following offering is another sanctuary of serenity and called Reflections in A minor, this is exactly the style of piano that thrills me, that Lanz styled dip into the minor realm of piano matters can be found here, and in my view is one of the most exquisite pieces from the release, one that I believe could be featured in a movie with ease.

Many moments of pure clarity are here as well, like the utter honesty and heart on the sleeve moment of tracks like Open to Love, a more sumptuous melody you will not find, and the pristine natural sensitivity of the piece Twilight, a rhythmic offering that is as gentle as a newly born flower in early March.

The title track Stardust is a wonder so vast and all-encompassing that it has an almost regal energy to its proud structures, which could have easily been formed from the classical; those nuances were a delight to completely enjoy with a passion, whilst the penultimate offering entitled Mariposa offered us a tranquil safe harbour, perhaps in a lush green forest of natural beauty.

The concluding composition Solace was the perfect way with which to end the project, it’s a calming reverie, a simple yet soothing delight to a soft back drop of sound, this is a stylish way to finish and one that will allow the listener the perfect moment to close their eyes and simply drift away to on its conclusion.

Stardust by Alise Ashby has to be, for me, one of the most enjoyable piano based albums I have listened to for simply ages, every single composition has been created with tenderness, and a sensitivity that is quite moving and restful, this is one of those creations that it would be easy to leave on repeat and never notice, it is that good, and as such I have no concerns predicting that Stardust by Alise Ashby is going to be a huge hit on the charts. 

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