Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Colors By Hiromasa Kobayashi performed by Ivajla Kirova




Hiromasa Kobayashi performed by Ivajla Kirova

Written by

Steve Sheppard


There is always a little time to kick back and enjoy the musical sanctuary of a new artist to you, this is my mood on this sunny Wednesday in July, the heat of the summer rages outside, but within my cool studio I can listen to the fascinating and very charming piano presentations of Hiromasa Kobayashi, performed by Ivajla Kirova, and this latest release entitled Colors.

From the very first reverie called Purple, we have one of the most chilled Jazz styled lounge tracks possible. I remember fondly spending many hours in Atlanta Hartsfield Airport listening to a piano player perform songs like this, and while his dollar jar increased in paper money, bliss was found in its much needed ambience. Here I feel I am not too far of the mark, a tale is being told by a very classy performance indeed, perhaps one of wishes unfulfilled, but still very colourful in its textures.

The next track is called Blue and is indeed a composition of a totally different colour, one that reminds me of our journeys out on the boat here in mid-summer, the repeating motif and flowing movements perfectly depict the lush lapis ocean below.

This is without doubt one of the most fascinating piano based albums I have come across for a few years, this next track highlights that statement, we open the piece Orange and are delighted by its soothing and tasty contents, there is a gentle folk styled narrative in the arrangement, and a delicious level of gratitude too, perhaps the colour of a western sunset is beheld.

We now move with such style and grace to out next composition called Green, which just so happens to be one of two favourite colours of mine, this piece abounds with the reveries of spring in all its glory, Kirova’s presentation flows with the abundance of nature and all it brings to this wondrous globe, her pristine touch is cleverly created, one that manifests vistas of excited dragonflies and butterflies on one of the most graphic arrangements on the album.

Yellow is utterly delightful, it’s a fluent composition of a great textured quality, one that I enjoyed immensely, there is a certain eastern influence within the vibration and timbre of the composition that is charming, a certain regal mood to the offering can also be found here, something full and rich in tonal pleasures, and it is delightful.

When I think, the first thoughts about the colour White are usually that of snow, something that is very rare in my country of Cyprus, unless you go high into the mountains of course, but the artist’s portrayal of this colour, her delicacy of touch and her awareness of tone, remind me at times of piece Snowflakes are Dancing originally Debussy, but later also performed by the electronic wizard Isao Tomita, a beautiful melodic and reflective energy can be found in this sumptuous composition.

We move now into the dark realms of the night for this last but one creation called Black. The shadowy vibrations of dark alleyways reverberate within this fascinating offering, one that builds and progress with such a dramatic flair, I also wondered if this could be used in a movie segment of that ilk. This melodramatic power piece is one of my favourites, with its many twists and turns, its alternating pace and tempo, in fact we could well be watching an old black and white film unfurl before our very eyes, in all its theatrical glory.

The last manifestation from the album is called Red, this passionate piece has a certain texture and vibrancy from a location just over the sea from me, from its glorious performance one can visualise vast desert lands, and its inhabitants wondering like nomads across its plains to the monolithic pyramids ahead, then pausing from this sublime presentation to cool and rest at a grateful oasis, a wonderful last dramatic offerings, and a very clever and crafted way with which to collude the project.

Colors by Hiromasa Kobayashi and performed by Ivajla Kirova is a breath taking pastiche of solo piano passion and fire, its dramatic corners and alleyways have constant surprises in store for every listener, and must at all costs not be missed. Here is a fine pianist indeed, one not afraid to show her full tapestry of undeniable talents on the piano to an ever waiting world; as such this is a thrilling ride of musical enthusiasm, so grab your ticket now, and be ready to be enthralled.

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