Wednesday, July 31, 2024

KIMO VITO By Jim Kimo West & David Vito Gregoli




Jim Kimo West & David Vito Gregoli

Written by

Steve Sheppard


This combination of two guitar geniuses is fast becoming a winning partnership in the instrumental world today, now with numerous hit singles already on the charts, the dynamic duo of Jim Kimo West & David Vito Gregoli turn their attention to the release of their brand new album and it is utterly stunning.

KIMO VITO is indeed a clever title, it sticks in the mind, and for some reason it reminds me of a Latin phrase from the Roman Era, regardless here is an album of top quality songs and compositions, started off by the latest version of Stings Fragile released originally back in 1988, this is a lush and colourful tip of the hat, one for a summer afternoon cruise without doubt.

As you would expect from a Vito Gregoli release it is going to be multi-instrumental, you can also enjoy twin acoustic guitar moments of great style and excellence and on, On the Road to Windham you have just that, add a delightful fretless bass into the mix and you have a very memorable travelling song indeed.

Two become three on this next opus called Where Is Home Now? featuring MB Gordy from Opium Moon on percussion, and Joss Jaffe on tabla, this questioning musical narrative does have a global feel to it, but also one that crosses many borders and countries as it goes, Jim Kimo West’s guitar here is a delight to swim musically with.

Southern Coast is our next port of call and is a relaxing composition filled full of sun kissed beaches, rugged coastlines and glistening oceans, well at least that’s the images that fill my mind on this hot July day on the south west coast of Cyprus. This is a truly cheer filled song that raises the level of happiness in anyone that needs it.

The smooth textures of this mid-placed track now heads our way with the piece In Your Eyes, there is an emotive taste within this piece that I adore, I also revered the harmonics as well, and the symbiosis of both guitars here made this a very attractive and meaningful offering indeed.

As we slide down the hill of the latter part of the album we come across a bass driven start to a piece that is entitled Michael and Michael, a track that creates an artistic moment of acoustic magic for us all, and moves us with style onto the composition Pandora's Musical Box. This is a fascinating offering, one that drifts from corner to corner lighting up a fresh musical path as it goes, with elements of folk contained within, one must wonder if Hesiod would have approved of this container being opened, I would have thought so, as this is one of the most ambient pieces from the album, and certainly one containing a completely adorable melody that reminded me so much of Black Sabbaths Fluff creation.

We draw closer to the banks of the deeper waters of the album, and we do so we come across a deeper musical narrative, one with a global feel called Land of Dreams. Tones of a Middle Eastern vibration can also be found here on this breathtakingly magical offering of a delightful multi-instrumental flavour, with rhythmic percussive elements that are so very palpable.

The slow and gentle progression on Sanctum (feat Joss Jaffe on tabla) was a loving thing, this soothing musical segment gives us a moment to breathe and appreciate all that we have heard thus far. When the addition of the fretless bass, sitar and harmonics that float into this wonderfully crafted opus, I’m sold completely on what I rate as one of the best tracks on the album.

The concluding offering from the duo is called Let It Be, now this is one of those songs that you will know instantly as soon as you hear it, the memorable tones of this Beatles classic will remain forever in our hearts, now doubly so thanks to this most excellent rendition. I personally feel there is something quite tranquil and healing about this creative version, and what a stunning choice as the last track on the album, indeed this is the perfect parting gift.

KIMO VITO by Jim Kimo West & David Vito Gregoli is an exceptional body of work that brings it all together for the artists, perfect in presentation, production and performance, stylish in the multi-instrumental textures and tones it gives the listener; one has to add that this collection of superb compositions has to be an album that can be held up to the globe, as one of the finest examples of a guitar based instrumental music release of the decade thus far.

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