Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Belleza Isle By Rick Sparks


Belleza Isle


Rick Sparks

Written by

Steve Sheppard


The soft pastiche of tone that tells us that another new single from Rick Sparks is on its way washed over me today, if ever a song was meant to watch the day pass under the shade of a tree this is it, the quite beautiful Belleza Isle is upon us, so grab a that book you have been meaning to read for years, snatch a cool drink and just enjoy the moment.

There can be no doubt that Sparks is the master of creating music that allows the mind to soar and the body to relax and be calm, and this brand new single is a prime example of his brilliant expertise.

The slow build to a hovering sun kissed level is utter delight, one can see the tide roll in, the waves crash upon the jagged rocks, and the cry of sea birds as they make their way home with another meal, this is music that you can call idyllic with ease, this is a moment of sublime relaxation, this is Rick Sparks at his very best.

With hit album after hit album the king of cool is back with a release that is as easy on the mind as cumulous clouds that drift across a summer horizon, surely there is no one better than Sparks on keyboards for manifesting utter peace filled vibes, and with that being said here is a brand new single that should be embraced by all those seeking a sanctuary away from the madness of the world, so why not take a trip to Belleza Isle today, trust me, you will not regret it. 

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much, Steve, for your kind (& very cool) review!
