Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Uto' Pians Vol 2 By Various Artists


Uto'Pians Vol 2


Various Artists

Written by

Steve Sheppard


I needed an ambient experience this morning, Wednesdays are a day of stress for me for personal reasons, and so it was the medium of music I sought to ease those concerns, and fortunately for me I would be taking a look at and reviewing this latest album, by a collective of various artists entitled Uto’Pians Vol 2.

Mirage by Raphaelle Thibaut started my journey of bliss with a short but scene setting offering that just floated towards me with a performance that was so easy on the ears. While the delights of the piece Temporary Shelter From The Storm, by Arthur Jeffes, truly created something wonderfully fluent and ambient to bathe within, this chilled presentation was simply idyllic.

Uto’Pians Vol 2 is a mixture of melodies and creations that contain a strong bond between piano or keyboards, and added instrumentation, but all manifest something very addictive and listenable, much can be said for the next offering entitled Optis Nocturne by Christopher Dicker, the piano here was simply delicious and that slight classical motif made this dish of music even more palatable.

My day grew better with each passing composition, For a Kinder World by David Wenngren took me to a place of sanctuary and serenity, while the multi instrumental nature of Hyperspace created a little mysterious energy, one underpinned by a lush and colourful piano, and I thank Christina Higham for that beautiful moment.

It was at this time that I had noted a serene sense of calm had now come over me as I continued to listen; when I reached Inner Sights I realised I was probably listening to one of the most diverse and creative albums I had heard for some time, Patrick Delobel’s creation a prime example, with a little Jazz motif and all mixed with a sense of light classical energy as well, a possible soundtrack in the making here perhaps.

The midway point is reached once the track Tree Spirit is opened. Again the sensitivity of performance here truly brings home the eastern motifs and meditative spirit of the track itself, and confirms once more just how brilliantly varied this release actually is, top marks to Feryanto for this minimalistic composition, which would literally explode into life just over the half way mark in the track.

Keep Shining by Midori Hirano is our next brush stroke of genius, the artist manifests something on piano I haven’t heard the like of since Revelations by Michael Harrison in 2006. Hirano pulls of a top quality performance, and this slice of progressive ambience brings us full circle when we arrive in the arms of our next artist in Marie Awadis, who brings us one of my favourite songs off the album with Raindrops, the hovering synths and delicate keyboards birth a sparking composition, one that floats across the infinite sky above us.

The beauty of releasing a various artists album is that each and every track will have its own specific signature; the keyboards of Dominique Charpentie and the offering Parasol bring us something soothing yes, but also something quite reflective of the modern era in melody.

Dancing Trees is as wonderfully artistic presentation, one brought to life via pianist Alexandra Hamilton-Ayres. The movement of nature and the energy of the wind can all be found in the artist’s splendid composition, while the warm and healing keyboards of Wilson TrouvĂ© create a musical panacea to cure all ills with his delicate, yet homely offering entitled The Hours, this would be another of my personal favourites, it’s seemingly timeless refrains are a real pleasure to drift off to.

Oskar Tena delivers our penultimate track off the album with the piece Alive, there is a slight tension built in to this track that is really appealing, the apprehensive yet grateful piano based nuances lead us perfectly by the hand to the concluding song off the release by Valeska Rautenberg, her vocals partnered with a sombre and reflective piano bring about truly crafted and clever end to this album with You Are Everything.

Uto’Pians Vol 2 an album featuring Various Artists is a well thought out, and wonderfully worked collective of likeminded individuals, that have brought about one of the most varied and listenable albums I have heard for quite some time. There is indeed something on this album for everyone, and added to that, if you wish to ease back against the rage of modern day life, this album is certainly one that will help you succeeded in your goal to do that.

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