Friday, September 20, 2024

Shaman Dream By Fabrice Tonnellier


Shaman Dream


Fabrice Tonnellier

Written by

Steve Sheppard


The echoes of a long ancient past echo from this new album from Fabrice Tonnellier entitled Shaman Dream. The album itself is an 11 track wonder work of music from the artist. It’s also interesting that when you research someone you find certain commonalities between you, both of us use Reiki, and both of us are inspired by Zen Philosophy.  Indeed as said by Shunryu Suzuki “Treat every moment as your last. It is not preparation for something else.”

With that in mind we have a treat of an album here today called Shaman Dream, a moment to just float with the intent to relax and be calm is before you, with this stunning new collection of beautiful compositions like the opener called Shaman Dream, a composition so vast and so deep it is incredibly powerful and deeply moving, the artists flute and hand drums pave the way through the forest on this brilliant opening foray.

Hand drums have been the biggest musical find of the last few years, and now we’re seeing this meditative instrument used widely in the industry and rightly so, tracks like Mysterious Path, can only aid this transition to a lighter style of percussion, whilst the ever onward motifs of pieces like The Source, bring nature to the listener and manifest a state of pure serenity to enjoy all things musical.

11 tracks can be found within this album and each one of them is a sublime arrangement for a tranquil experience, from the lush keyboard textures of Forest's Wisdom, to the haunting Gratitude, a solo flute creation of great quality, from the aerial and ethereal moods of pieces like Sacred Bird, to the natural love found in the manifestation of the stunning track Golden Heart, there is truly something for everyone on this amazing new release.

I have worked in this industry for nearly 30 years now and occasionally you find a total gem of a release like this, so it has been a pleasure to immerse myself within its comforting tones and vibrations for a while, offerings like Healing Nature helped remind me of the reality of life’s truth and natural meditative moments, it would be so very easy to get lost in a track like this one.

Whilst in the deeper waters of the release you will find the ambience is harmonised and increased beautifully on the lush tapestry entitled Flower of Life, a truly serene and soothing musical narrative indeed, whilst on the penultimate creation entitled Tranquillity we find a segment of time to just drift with the petals of windswept flowers, the flute within this track is both deep and heart felt.

The concluding composition is the charming musical narrative called Constellations and reminds me greatly of one of the legends of New Age music in style to a certain Medwyn Goodall, yet the flute here and keyboards combined create a perfect ending for the listener, one that with ease will leave them in a state of calm serenity, and fully satisfied of their overall experience.

This is a big thing for me to say, but I am going to stick my neck out on this one, I rate Shaman Dream by Fabrice Tonnellier to be one of the best new age styled albums released in the last decade, each track has been perfectly manifested and with the most delicate of touches, with much care and attention to detail, and with an honest and an open heart to what feels and sounds right, full marks to the artist, Shaman Dream is something very special indeed.  

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