Friday, September 20, 2024

Autumn By Fred Grenot




Fred Grenot

Written by

Steve Sheppard


Fred Grenot is back with a vibrant new single called Autumn, and now I live in the country of Cyprus I can at last enjoy what to me, is now the most beautiful season of them all. However this new composition is far different from the more reflective and mournful tracks from other artists, this is a cheer filled reverie of happiness combined with an energetic glaze of contentment.

Autumn has within its tender weave a vast array of keyboard effects and a performance, so packed with musical nuances its worth multiple listens to pick them all out. Unique percussive patterns also join this vast array of instrumental magic, and then add in the synth strings, that makes this new single of Fred’s all that more impressive.

Autumn is indeed my favourite time of the year, when here temperatures drop below 30c and the possibility of much needed rain is but a few weeks away, indeed the reason I mention this isn’t just because it is a truism here, but it is seen here in Cyprus that autumn is a moment of cheer, similar to that of spring and needs to be celebrated, and for me this new single of Fred’s does exactly that.

One can feel through the musical notes the leaves falling and the happiness of life as it once more gets to renew and regenerate, and on this new single Autumn by Fred Grenot, the artist brings exactly that energy to the table, in one his most exciting releases as of yet, one that I am certain will hit massive heights on the charts.

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