Monday, September 9, 2024

Melodiya By Hans Christian & Thomas Barquee




Hans Christian & Thomas Barquee

Written by

Steve Sheppard


Today one of the foremost musicians in the new age music industry joins forces with an artist known for his standing in the industry, as a sublime producer, and a splendid pianist too, as Hans Christian and Thomas Barquee create a symbiotic presentation that we shall remember forever called Melodiya.

There is something about this album that is deeply felt and passionately created, the melodious tones of the opening piece called The Gift is a fine example of this instrumental prowess, a smooth, yet reflective opus of sound that takes me back to the early years of new age music.

Melodiya is an 8 track album of splendidly beautiful compositions, with textured tapestries of magic in pieces like The Promise, and the uplifting vibrancy of the ultra-harmonious Persistence of Time, a track filled full of blossoming expectancy.

This is a bliss filled release, one charming track after another unfolds unto oneself, with compositions like the midway piece called Opalescence, a track with a delicious bass and a splendid percussive rhythm, and this would indeed be one of my personal favourites from the album.

The piano of Barquee drifts us into a track entitled Your Heart Remains, and upon it sits Christian’s supreme skill set of a multi-instrumentalist, gifting us a compelling moments of guitar and fretless bass on an arrangement that is both soothing and filled full of loving warmth.

The deeper waters of the album gifts us a more reflective nuanced moment of music on the piece That One Thing, whilst the penultimate offering of Do We Remember seems to hold an anthem like feel within its constraints, it builds and constructs musical sensations that are packed with such a melodious reality.

The concluding manifestation is called An Echo's Soul, this curiously entitled piece reminds me greatly of an old friend of mine from the UK in Phil Thornton, as bass and guitar are used here to create such a backdrop of mood and sound, and this final creation takes us on a calming journey with its ever onward motion and posture.

Melodiya by Hans Christian & Thomas Barquee was a delightful voyage through the realm of deep melodies and lush musical constructions of a multi-instrumental nature, and one must say, some of the finest I have heard for quite some time. Melodiya is a release that fans of instrumental new age music will not want to miss, the textures, tones and overall nuances are utterly delightful, and if justice is to be served, Hans Christian & Thomas Barquee should garner a good chart position and perhaps even more for Melodiya, it is superb.

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