Friday, August 30, 2024

Starfield By Michelle Qureshi




Michelle Qureshi

Written by

Steve Sheppard


The depth of this latest single entitled Starfield is incredibly palpable and introduces us once again to a magical instrument, which is the flute of Michelle Qureshi. I have long been a fan of her ambient structures and here on this new offering we see that in abundance, a compositional creation of an incalculable vast cosmos, and the myriads of star fields that reside within it.

The floating aspect of this track reminded me of my time in various planetariums across the world, that moment when all goes dark and the light show begins, and we are gifted a truly magnificent spectacle of an endless space above and around us, it is so humbling.

Michelle’s flute manifests that perfectly, and we are presented with a piece of music that would have gone well on many starlit skies in places of zero light pollution, fortunately for us we have many here on our island, and this very music would indeed be the perfect soundtrack for that event.

Personally I rate Qureshi as one of the finest ambient artists of her time and her style, she doesn’t just compose the music, she both feels it and allows it to consume her, this is why her powers of musical creativity are so compelling, as they are literally felt and brought into a musical reality that is so exciting.

Starfield by Michelle Qureshi is a hit waiting to happen, and one that I am sure will be embraced by her fans and those who like their music to literally draw them a locational narrative that is utterly real, and then leave them an immersive experience to enjoy.

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