Monday, August 26, 2024

Angkor Wat By Ron Korb


Angkor Wat


Ron Korb

Written by

Steve Sheppard


I have now listened to this new single from Ron Korb entitled Angkor Wat several times, and I think if truth be told it will be several times more over the months and years ahead; this is a perfect example of a timeless reverie, one that brings solace, calm and tranquillity to the senses, so why should that ever end.

On this new creation Ron plays a bamboo woodwind called a Pie Pook, created for him by Cambodian master flutist Yim Saing on a visit to the country. The tones and timbre that are created here are stunning, today I have allowed myself to get lost within the composition and I’m very pleased I did so, a fine energy of tranquillity and serenity seemed to descend upon me, and whilst doing so it created a lush garden of meditative bliss to enjoy.

The vibrancy of this new single is something to behold, it magically creates images of deep green forests and ancient temples that are hidden by the ever encroaching vines and woodlands. This is a superbly textured performance by Korb, on a piece that reminds me of artists like Deuter on tracks like Amida from his Buddha Nature album.

There can be no doubt that Korb is a master of his art and over the years has proven himself so, here on this new single Angkor Wat he shows both his humility and his mastery, by manifesting a sublime new solo woodwind (Pie Pook) arrangement, one that I think will be embraced totally by fans of both the New Age and Flute genres, and as such a big hit could well be on the cards for Ron Korb and Angkor Wat.


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