Friday, August 23, 2024

Solitude By Bryan Quinn




Bryan Quinn

Written by

Steve Sheppard


Debut singles are a time of nerves and letting go, as musicians we tend to be perfectionists, and fear what others make think of our efforts, so letting the music go, is akin to allowing your child, for the first time, go to the shops on his or her own.

Here Bryan Quinn delivers his debut single for flute and guitar to all, it is called Solitude and is one of the finest examples of a entrance single in this genre, I have in my time, heard many artist be too cautious upon releasing their debut release, but here Bryan allows his muse full access to his memories, emotions and artistic palate, and it works brilliantly.

There is a depth to this single that is rarely found from this genre, clearly the mood created is letting go of past events and possible trauma, and in doing so finding a sanctuary of oneness, otherwise known as much needed Solitude, Quinn through his instrumentation and compositional structures, manifests this perfectly.

This is a beautiful example of instrumental music that truly means something, and from an open heart perspective too, which allows the fluency of the composition to simply flow with grace and humility.

It is also good to see that Bryan performed the guitar, bass E flute, mid E flute and bird calls on a high E flute, and is in fact the master of all that he creates, as such I truly believe this is a special, and more than likely a cathartic moment for the artist, that point will be well received by the listener, and as such a huge hit could well be on the cards for Solitude by Bryan Quinn.

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