Monday, August 5, 2024

Breath of Gratitude By Juliet Lyons


Breath of Gratitude


Juliet Lyons

Written by

Steve Sheppard


There are some albums that I have reviewed that have been unique for the artists that are upon them, some for the artwork contained within, many reasons could and have been given, but this release is unique in the fact that the idea for it is spawned from a very real life disease that Juliet Lyons is suffering from, a chronic airway disease, and thus the title now becomes clearer for all to understand perhaps, but more information on this disease and her battle to breathe is contained within the notes of the albums contents for you to peruse.

Breath of Gratitude by Juliet Lyons is a stylish 7 piece new age vocal album that lifts the listener higher, so that perhaps they feel the gratitude for their own lives too, the opening offering is Sunrise, never has there been a better example of such in this genre, the light harmonic vocals, the increasing piano motifs and building crescendos, lead us to the inevitably of a glorious sunrise, one must also applaud Lyons for her layered vocalisations, they are sublime.

So here we are, that canvas of music we refer to as the title track is now upon us. Breath of Gratitude is transcendent, it is a piece that is subtle, yet explores a soothing onward musical narrative that is very pleasing to the heart and mind. As New Age music goes, the genre is making a massive comeback, and this track is a fine example of truly good instrumental music from its ranks, and is one of two tracks in this elk from the album.

Healing Hymn is now upon us and this ethereal and angelic creation seems to float around us as we listen, the piano wends its way through the composition as the guide for the song, and its symbiotic juxtaposition with Lyons vocals is impressive, the build on this piece is both rhythmic and attractive, similar in the style with which Enya rose to fame with back in the day.

We now move over the half way marker with the offering Dum Spiro Spero (ft. Lili Haydn) this is a track with a truly beautiful flow to its progression, the percussive elements set a sumptuous pattern here, whilst the inclusion of Haydn on Violin was a masterstroke, there is a hint of a Celtic refrain here that is enchanting, and I do believe that if a single were to be released from the album I would point right to this one to do so.

Each moment of our life is precious, the pristine quality of every breath we take doubly so, the gratitude for every sunrise seen a blessing, and for every twinkling of the eye, every Delicate Dance we do, we should always be appreciative for in utter abundance, now we have a soundtrack for that aforementioned statement in this very song, a cadenced composition of pure brilliance can be found here.

Our penultimate offering on this glorious album is called New Life; this in my view has to be one of the most ambient creations from the album. A backdrop of soft tones and vibrations can be found here, whilst a slight string section uplift, and an artistic nuanced piano, edges the song forward in an almost anthem styled manifestation.

The concluding composition of this exquisite offering is entitled Heart Awakened; the final track from any album has to always be well thought out and artistically produced, both boxes have been checked on this heartfelt opus, one that contains a deeply moving melody, and a lush emotive energy, and of course is indeed the perfect way with which to leave the project.

Juliet Lyons has brought great beauty into the world with this album and has indeed highlighted a rare disease that many of us would have never heard of; Breath of Gratitude as such is a cathartic journey of musical mastery, born from the fires of adversity and many challenges, and given to a world desperate for a musical sanctuary of peace, calm and sanity.

This is also the time to tip the hat to those who have contributed to bringing this album to fruition in Kirsten Agresta Copely on Harp, Esin Aydingoz Strings, the stunning tones of Lili Haydn on Violin, Robin Sandoval Backing Vocals, Wenda Williamson also on Harp, and Euro Zambrano adding to the percussive team, these wonderful performers added so much to the project that I wouldn’t doubt for one minute that Breath of Gratitude by Juliet Lyons is going to be a massive hit on the new age charts with utter ease.

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