Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Wildflower in My Heart By The Song Gardeners


Wildflower in My Heart


The Song Gardeners

Written by

Steve Sheppard



The Song Gardeners have been one of the most prolific new age bands now for some 5 years, and now we have another delightful single before us to bathe within entitled Wildflower in My Heart, a song which in my view could be one of the most commercial singles released to date by the band.

We can always appreciate the lyrics of any Song Gardeners release, they offer up hope, peace, tranquillity and an honest natural reality, here on this brand new single we have all of that, but I must add the production quality and compositional structures are unbelievably brilliant, I truly believe that this one song could be a massive hit outside of the genre it has been released within, it is that good.

Who could not love a valley filled with wild flowers, I have seen many and still yearn for more, and when you take in and absorb such lyrics as the following,

Crossing the flowing stream magic unfolds

We’re stepping into fields of beauty

Each wildflower blends into a colorful bouquet

A fragrant harmony enhancing life with its display

Magic is made, and of course the hook line of one of the most beautiful choruses soon follows.

I’m going to stick my head out of the parapets here and state, that this I believe is the best work from The Song Gardeners so far, and as such I will be amazed if it doesn’t grace a top chart position and snag an award slot, this is one single that you will be elated you have given time to, grab it now and show it some love, kudos to the team of Corrie Dunn and Mary Gospe.

You can also watch the lyric video on YouTube here: 

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