Thursday, February 27, 2025

Hidden World By David De Michele


Hidden World


David De Michele

Written by

Steve Sheppard


There can be no doubt that David De Michelle is making his mark in the new age ambient world of music, now with added vocalisations and vocals, and the changing up a gear into the fantasy world of hidden realms and worlds within worlds, he is fast becoming an artist that one day we could expect to hear his music feature on a TV show or movie, it is progressing to those borderlands of greatness and success.

This new album is called Hidden World, and here is a suggestion, pull up the album art whilst listening to this release, it’s a scene setter and a beautiful fantastical work of art. The opening piece is a proud composition of gigantean proportions; fluid vocals induce a sense of an ethereal paradise.

This nine track release is a sublime recording; De Michelle really has embraced this new path and compositions like the ethnic Forest Echoes explores that narrative perfectly, the cross vibes of an indigenous sound and a Celtic motif in this creation is some of the best I have heard.

This album is a production of the highest quality, all one has to do is to embrace tracks like the Ariel qualities of Hidden World, with its angelic harmonics and its film score scene setting keyboards and synths, then pieces like Realms Within gift the listener a moment of reflection, crossed with a delicate pastiche of mystery and imagination and you have something utterly beautiful and creative.

Dreaming of Elvendom takes the listener to its first dream like mythical location, and literally manifests a portal of music that could transport ones senses into an alternate reality of myth and magic with ease, I did ponder on the scene in Lord of the Rings and the location of the elves and thought to myself that this piece would have been perfect for that sad part of the movie, where all what was left were falling leaves and memories, as the world moves on.

Here is a release that will snare the listener’s imaginings, deliver them a delightful tapestry of sound and to emphasize that, please listen to the utterly charming Into the Night. Note the Celtic percussive beat, the swirling synths and vocals; at various stages this also reminds me of Medwyn Goodall’s Clan series of albums from the late nineties.

By composition seven we have reached a level of brilliance that the artist has been heading for as the weeks and months have rolled by, here on By Your Side, we have a companion of a track that flows like a spring river from the vast mountain range, I was much appreciative of the herald cry, one could literally imagine a row of Elves with their trumpets in hand blowing the arrival theme of a new dawn approaching.

The last but one creation is one of the most ethereal of all and called Awaiting Your Return, the build and progression here is some of the best work I have heard from the artist thus far, again I am left saying this is film score standard and reminds me in part of the great Mike Oldfield with its repetitive presentation, mix that with the supreme power of Vangelis and you have the general idea just how good this penultimate offering is.

We conclude this latest release with a wonderfully drifting musical narrative called The Return, the hero is back on the wings of an angel, the performance reminds me of Kevin Kendle’s album Aerial Vistas, with regard to its creative and flowing synths, then the magic of this track is that its slightly morphs into a piece that reminded me slightly of early Enigma in production.

Hidden World by David De Michele is the latest album in the arsenal of brilliance from the artist, this in my view though is his greatest creation yet, building on the past, and creating for the future, I believe that De Michelle has both the balance, compositional structure, and artistic flair 100% right with this album, I am expecting to see good things on the charts for Hidden World by David De Michele, and maybe even more could be hidden in the forests of evermore for this sublime new creation. 

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