Darkness of My Heart
Russ Jones
Written by
Steve Sheppard
The flute can be such a descriptive instrument, it can make
the heart sing and, can make it cry, here on this latest single from Russ Jones the latter emotion is one
that we will be diving deep into, with this brand new single entitled Darkness Of My Heart.
The tale of this moving musical voyage, whilst deep and dark,
has layers of sadness woven into its weave world of an arrangement, it’s also
an addictive track, as when listening, one would find it all too easy to get
lost within its realms, and time would pass in an instant, that’s a testament
to just how good this song is.
The fullness of this composition is also something to behold,
the depth here is not only palpable, but contains a narrative so emotively
created it will shift your mental focus to a place of great introspection and
meditative awareness, here is a slice of ambient flute, one that bridges the
void of tone and texture.
Darkness of My Heart by Russ Jones is a musical slow moving river that has been hidden from
sight, and only found by those who need a sanctuary of sound to be in the
moment with; this is the theme for any hermit like existence, and most
certainly music for a dark night of the soul before any rebirth back into the
light, and without doubt is one of the most powerful flute performance I have
heard this year with ease.
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