Friday, May 7, 2021

Wayfinding By Christof R Davis




Christof R Davis

Written by

Steve Sheppard


I found this latest album by Christof R Davis, very close to my own heart, and to the style of music that I too like composing, one that is ambient in nature, heartfelt, bathed in possibility, and floating on a sea of memories, with beautiful colours and textures along the way.

Wayfinding is a truly splendid album, I am a very avid walker myself, and here in Cyprus I am keen, now lockdown is finally over, to take this music with me as I go for a costal walk or two, it would be idyllic and wonderfully redolent of the moment.

My favourite offerings are two tracks that find themselves back to back, and are so colourful and artistic in composition, I refer of course to the arrangements of Orienteering, a piece bathed in the aspects of a new day and the journey ahead, with hovering keyboards and a clever build and progression, and then the sun kissed reverie of Dreaming, this piece would have been perfect for the days when I used to roam the Isle Of Wight with map in hand, the delicacy but mood filled creation on keyboards on this piece is simply amazing.

I must admit this is one of those scenic releases that I can never get enough of. We have a slight musical elevation of tone in Migration, with the pin point sense of movement created, and then the all-embracing keyboards of Davis manifest one of the most emotional pieces off the album called Reunion; time has passed, suns have set, and here you are, still waiting for me, so very beautiful indeed, and may I add, wonderfully played as well.

Wayfinding by Christof R Davis has to be one of, if not the most, reflective, compelling and bright offerings from the so called ambient and new age genres I have heard for quite some time, it is a release of utter blissfulness and tone, and an album that has that much adored and sought after quality, in that it is born into this world as a timeless masterpiece of musically crafted intelligence, and as such, it is so easily recommended.

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