Monday, March 10, 2025

Dancing in the Storm By Geez Louise


Dancing in the Storm


Geez Louise

Written by

Steve Sheppard


It was a time for a new chapter for me, as we recently moved house to a far better area and dwelling, and for a while I pondered on what album I would review first in my new home, as it happens it was a new artist to me, but from a familiar source as we feature Geez Louise and her new release Dancing In The Storm.

Geez Louise aka Louise Dimiceli-Mitran, now I am sure now that some will have already recognised the final last name there from my previous reviews, and you would be correct, here Louise steps up to the proverbial plate and produces one of the most vibrant vocal albums you will have heard for quite some time.

I have always been told that you need to start off any album with a truly strong track or intention, and the artist certainly does that with the full flowing narrative of Being With You, this flourishing light rock creation reminds me in compositional structure, to the music of The Travelling Wilburys, remember them? Then we move onwards to another favourite of mine called Already Gone, no not the Eagles track from the album of the same name, but a smooth ballad that does actually have a little Eagles or Don Henley feel to its overall mood, the overlaid harmonies here are delicious.

The rhythmic progression on this next piece is simply smooth and called Mexico. Now whilst this is a country I am very unlikely to ever go to, I can do so vicariously with this composition, one that also has a clever hook of a chorus as well.

The listener will find something to please them in all ways within this 13 track creation, perhaps offerings like If You Do, which contain some quite amazing guitar that reminded me of Chris Rea in tone, and performed brilliantly by Kraig McCreary, or they may find solace in the title track Dancing in the Storm, kudos to the artist for their beautiful acoustic guitar presentation, and the amazingly powerful and uplifting vocals on this piece.

The tempo picks up once more as we get to the mid-way track of the album and the song called Hell in the Hallway; this is a classic driving song, full of rhythm, passion and undeniably addictive lyrics. Whilst on After All These Years we can bring a little folk into the scheme of things, this touching composition is so heart felt, and it must be said for those of you who love the nuances in an album, contains the cello of the ever talented Hans Christian.

Five Hundred Ways is one of those offerings that will engage the listener with its immediate chorus and hook line, and indeed it’s possible to say unusually, that 90% of songs of this album could easily be hit singles, perhaps even this one coming up now called Stand Up, now background vocals are just that, but the added tonal inclusion of Annie Mitran Brennan on them was nothing short of genius, as they created a tapestry of tone and timbre that was so symbiotically lush and textured.

We move to a locational track and a place I nearly ended up in by default, but that story is a little strange to recant here! However on the piece Chicago Song we have a personal tale told, and this is certainly one to pull up the lyric sheet to, it is so very moving, and sadly still relevant to the current day, on a musical note I adored the inclusion of Andy Mitran on piano on this heart felt manifestation.

We now move into the deeper waters of this release, and as we do so we come across a track called Connection, now here is a theme that reminded me fellow American new age band The Song Gardeners in content, and yes, another song I would recommend as a possible single release, and perhaps one that may even become a bit of an anthem for the artist in times ahead.

The penultimate offering is entitled Free, and here the artists gifts us a song that in a way is a reminder for us all to embrace life while we have it, and then to conclude the album we have a true classic last composition, and this final musical gift is called You Are A Light, another anthem like offering that is as easy on the ears as an early sunny Sunday morning is on the senses, and a sublime way with which to leave the album, one that contains a wonderful feeling of positivity and hope, something we all need now more than ever before.

Dancing in the Storm by Geez Louise is a vocal based album that will take the listener on a voyage of musical interest; it will explore heart felt narratives and also have that sublime sense of rhythm that the feet will not be able to resist tapping to. Dancing in the Storm by Geez Louise breathes a breath of fresh air and hope into the hearts and minds of the listener, and as such I can see this album becoming a bit of a big hit on the charts for the artist.

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