The Undines
J. Raúl Andreo
Written by
Steve Sheppard
I think this is only the second time I have ever heard of a
track portraying musically the water elementals of the Undines, in our ancient Greek mythology, water is thought to be a
female sign or element, and this quite flourishing new single from the pianist
is a picture perfect representation of them.
The Undines by J. Raúl Andreo is a fine example of an up tempo and artistic solo
piano creation, one that is beautifully played and performed by Andreo, so much
so that one could easily imagine the splendid painting of two Undines in a pond
by French artist Antoine Calbet in
all their natural beauty.
This waltz styled opus is a lush and colourful composition, one
played with a relish by the pianist, who seems to be literally flourishing with
many textures and colours as his tapestry of tone unfurls flamboyantly for each
and every one of us to enjoy.
I must say this solo piano pleasure was a delight for me, the
genre is vast with many performers, but this is a composition that stands out
from the crowd as one of the most fluent and imaginative I have heard for quite
some time, which of course means, a big hit could well be on the way for
J. Raúl Andreo with The Undines.
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