Friday, August 9, 2024

Piercing the Veil By Piscean Daydreams


Piercing the Veil


Piscean Daydreams

Written by

Steve Sheppard


This is one very expressive and powerful sonic message, one that opens the void, transcends it, and then finds a reality of inner peace and ambience, the project is called Piercing the Veil, released by JJ Rogalski known to us in the music world as Piscean Daydreams.

This 7 track album will take the listener on a journey of an auditory state of an inner meditative and introspective condition, take the first track for example entitled The Further Shore, this explorative piece wends through tonal alleyways of sound, and allows the listener to drift off into an aural voyage of plenty.

Piercing the Veil, Threshold is a much gentler manifestation, the synths provide a soothing backdrop of sound that seem to hover with the same intent as a mist across a summer lake in early June.  The swirling nature of this unearthly piece is both meditative and musically mature in its textures; I would say that it creates a lush tapestry of sound, whilst the musical seeker can roam freely on this distant beach of transcendent possibilities.

We now move to a much deeper composition called The Words of My Perfect Teacher; one can feel a shift of energy within the track, one that highlights a symbiosis of sound, perhaps as we embrace our new found path among the gardens of a peace filled tranquillity. The layered synths and modulations here are simply beautiful, this is a track that emanates a sense of trust and knowledge too.

So to the middle section of the album, and this piece is called Piercing the Veil, Entrainment. There is a level of lightness I hear here that I find deeply compelling; it may also be my passion for long form music of this style. The composition itself grows experientially as it goes, one could easily get lost in a track like this, and there is nothing wrong with that. Its tone, timbre and textured synths remind me of sacred spaces that I once created, where all that is in the very moment you are in now!

Ouroboros Rising is up next; I researched the name and was quickly reminded of the subject matter by being show a picture of snake eating its own tail, illustrating perhaps the constant regeneration and cycle of life, rebirth, death and so on. Perhaps this could well be the most ambient of musical structures from the album, its depths are ones that I would love to follow, the dark swirls and textures of the synths here are powerful in their intent, and remind me of one of my meditational compositions that I use by David Lang called The Passing Measures.

There is a calming field of musical energy here on the piece Piercing the Veil, Holos which is most reassuring, it’s like floating on the top of a salty ocean and drifting into a bay of utter bliss. The ambience on this track is utterly sublime and almost hypnotic in texture and tone.  The layers of this soundscape are both encapsulating and utterly immersive, and bring a complete sense of wholeness and peace to the listener.

Our concluding offering is called The Outer Reaches of Inner Space; this is a smart composition, one that rounds off the entire journey, revealing the deeper reality of the meaning of the journey. There is something also strangely anthem like about the compositional structure of this track, one that is most pleasing to bathe within. One can without doubt feel the competition of the voyage of sonic sound and vibrations, and the satisfaction through the ever onward synths and their low but addictive drones give up a whole new level of serenity and calm.

Piercing the Veil by Piscean Daydreams is an electronic ambient album that will create a field of quality sound for any listener who has the good sense to purchase it, an opportunity to delve deeper for a more inner reflective gaze upon their existence. The performance of the artist on this whole album is incredibly immersive, deeply satisfying and absolutely superbly throughout. I have longed for a long form immersive album like this to use in my meditational exercises and I think I have found it. The musical voyage is a joy to be a part of, and as such one that should also appear on the charts at some stage, this is one ambient album you really do not want to miss.

Available on bandcamp now: and on all major streaming sites from August 16th.

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