Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Evening Song for Woodwinds and Strings By 4 Bar Café


Evening Song for Woodwinds and Strings


4 Bar Café

Written by

Steve Sheppard


4 Bar Café is a unique project created by composer Michael E. Schofield, and within my collection I have a plethora of singles released from 2023 onwards, and each of them show a growth and a progression to a fascinating level of quality of compositional structure, so today his latest single arrived on my desk entitled Evening Song for Woodwinds and Strings, and it was a most pleasant neo-classical voyage indeed.

The strings to start the piece are simply sublime and set the scene in an instant, the imagery one draws from a title is rarely executed with such precision as on this new single by the artist, the mood is a steady andante, we can indeed glance from the soft pastiche of a summers evening, and take a moderately slow walk through nature with the strings and woodwinds as our musical partner.

The compositional configuration is one that reminds me of the music of friends, in what is still called to this day, chamber music, this style of composition has a great intimacy about it, indeed pieces in this style are created for a small number of instruments, and the artist has done that beautifully here and captured that aforementioned intimacy with such grace and purpose.

I have a very real sense that Evening Song for Woodwinds and Strings by 4 Bar Café could well be the artists biggest chart hit thus far, and should be a sought out recourse for fans of this ever growing neo classical genre.

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