Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Sonic Landscape By The Song Gardeners


Sonic Landscape


The Song Gardeners

Written by

Steve Sheppard


What the world needs now more than ever is The Song Gardeners, their music, the lyrical overtures of peace and love are without doubt a commodity we desperately need to wipe away the fear, miss communication and utter gullibility that seems to be spreading around the globe like a wild fire in July, truly good honest uplifting and positive music like Sonic Landscape can make a difference, and if each of us embrace music such as this, the noise and confusion within our minds can change too.

That aforementioned statement is well catered for in this opening song entitled Present a fine example of musical instructions on how to think far more clearly and, critically, and whilst doing so in the Present, the song itself is should be a constant mantra for us all.

This collection of eight previously released singles should be sought after post haste, especially one of the best new age pop singles ever released in Send Love to Everyone Heal the Divide, this would have worked well in the 60’s and 70’s with ease, whilst offerings like the inspiring More of This with its electro funky beat and percussive Sympathy For the Devil opening hit the spot beautifully.

This is an album you simply cannot go wrong with, all the hits are there, for me it was great once more to bathe myself in the sonic soundscape of tracks like April Sky, a release that reminded me of my youth and the hours I used to spend alone under the galactic vastness, this song is also a perfect example of the genre that we now New Age Pop.

Within concludes the album release, one that I personally hope will be a huge success for The Song Gardeners, I have much respect for them and what they are trying to achieve. Within is in fact the perfect ending track, after all if we cannot be true to ourselves just what hope do we have of being so with others.

Sonic Landscape by The Song Gardeners should be given more attention than any of the news channels on your TV, as at least the information contained within the album is real, honest, true and packed with integrity.

Corrie Dunn and Mary Gospe should be applauded for their efforts in general, but even more so for the release of this their new album, its fluent and powerful messages and musicianship drift across the landscape of all that is utterly splendid musically speaking, and hopefully for the ladies of empowerment, that not only a chart hit is on its way, but awards are to follow in its wake also, this is easily an album I can honestly recommend.

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