Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Notes from the Heart By Helen's Willow Wind


Notes from the Heart


Helen's Willow Wind

Written by

Steve Sheppard


Never has a title been more accurate, as this music is without doubt from the place of truth called the heart. Helen’s Willow Wind has been on my musical radar now for a couple of years, and ever since the release of A Call to the Divine back in 2022, a track that also appears on this debut album, since then the flute has called to her constantly, and here for us to enjoy is her first personal album of 12 sublime tracks entitled Notes from the Heart.

The album is a deeply soothing musical narrative in its entirety, and one that starts with the gentle and respectful opener entitled End of Summer Lament, a mournful glance over the shoulder at a season past, it’s strange for me this one, as our autumn will not start until October.

Helen has that touch of sensitivity to make her flute sing such tender tones on the solo piece A Call to the Divine, she produces a musical prayer of great tenderness and respect here, whilst on tracks like Out There - Lady Bird in Outer Space, and we have a horse, or should that be a lady bird of a different colour, this is a really fun track with some superb spacey effects that come courtesy of her parrot, this is most certainly a track that I hope will live long and prosper.

Short form musical narratives are also catered for with the compositions Divine Call Answered, When Caves Sing, the natural textures of Convergence, a special sanctuary of water on Mournful Rain, and the harmonic conjunction of one amazing creation called Above And Beyond, each of these have their own personal story and add much to the overall manifestation of the album.

Once the penultimate track is reached we have attained a level of tranquillity that is most soothing indeed, and we can enjoy that through the refrains of the arrangement called Time Is A River, a soft pastiche of serenity that is so beautifully played on her flute by the artist, the hand pan drum a symbiotic choice without doubt is added to the mix.

Now I must say this makes a pleasant change as the longest composition from the album is our concluding piece and called Drumming Rain, this is a clever call from the artist as the listener has plenty of time to simply float with the hand pan, and enjoy the reverie that it brings, this instrument is very entrancing and so is this track.

Notes from the Heart by Helen's Willow Wind is one of two, yes two debut album releases given to the world by the artist on the same day, more about the other in an alternate review, but here on Notes from the Heart we have an album that is filled with serenity and calm, and one that enhances feelings of peace and tranquillity, and that cannot be a bad thing, this is going to be an album that will be embraced by all as an instrumental album of great quality, and as such a truly exceptional chart position should follow for it.

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