Monday, July 29, 2024

A Tear and A Smile By Victor Towle


A Tear and A Smile


Victor Towle

Written by

Steve Sheppard


Lately I have received some very impressive acoustic guitar submissions; in fact I would say I have had more in this last month than in the rest of the year proceeding it, this new release by Victor Towle is a positive affirmation of that aforementioned statement, this new single is called A Tear and A Smile.

The gentle guitar narrative wends its way through the woodlands and timberlands of a kindly summer musical forest, and never fails to charm along the way, the performance by Towle is indeed very impressive, with its uplifting tones and vibrations, and its alteration of posture to allow us to both swim in its ambience, but pay attention to the wonderfully constructed nuances as we go.

This is one of those tracks that you just find yourself leaving on repeat for ages; it’s a colourful pastiche of notes and chord progressions, and a delightful arrangement to show two sides to an emotional story, one that concludes with the smile, and wiping the tear from the face.

Towle has manifested something simple yet poignant, the shadow play of moods is impressive and his acoustic guitar performance doubly so, one has to look at this piece and feel that its contents, and the artists presentation is that good, that a huge hit could well be on the cards for A Tear and A Smile by Victor Towle.

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