Thursday, July 18, 2024

6/8 Time By Denny Rauen


6/8 Time


Denny Rauen

Written by

Steve Sheppard


To listen to a guitar in full flow is like watching a vast lapis ocean move in and out, back and forth, creating yearning tides, indeed as Geddy Lee from Rush once sung “I learned to lay my fingers across the wires, and to turn the keys to make them sound differently. As I struck the wires with my other hand, I produced my first harmonious sounds and soon my own music!” (2112)

This I did myself, I have 3 guitars upstairs that cry out for attention and thanks to the inspiration garnered from this album, they will indeed get that this coming autumn. The first piece off this delightful album is called Soloed, it is a sublime start to the release, one that draws a peaceful narrative and a calming spirit.

6/8 Time by Denny Rauen is a picture book of an acoustic guitar journey from the artist, it is a sketchbook of time passed and musical joy found, and also as a tip of the hat to the past, like the song Leonardo, it may be short, but it’s very sweet and honours the master De Vinci, plucking his first notes on his Lute, perhaps in his own Kithara moment.

This album is wonderfully crafted by a man who clearly knows his trade and is in love with it, this 9 track release is evidence of that love and passion, on pieces like the deep and mood filled opus of Silo Echoes, and onto the charming refrains of the youthful Skipping Stones, sun kissed memories can be found in all, as we live our lives through this ever changing corridor of life.

There is a little folk mood that drifts across the horizon of the penultimate offering Little Creek, another delightful redolent memory bathed in some of the finest note picking I have heard for a long, long while. 

We even had a special moment of love and time and tide, as we listen to a piece well known and long adored in the amazing Greensleeves, a composition also much appreciated by the artist’s mother around Christmas time too.

The entire album is a master class of acoustic guitar genius, listening to a musician of this calibre should be enough to inspire any lapsed player like me, and totally enthral any musical aficionado on their journey of perfection in music.

6/8 Time by Denny Rauen is technically outstanding, colourful and wonderfully textured, it is also a very pleasing musical journey of much calm and serenity, one that any seeker of a sanctuary of much needed peace would be more than happy to find and enter, this album should be a huge hit in the charts, and perhaps even loved enough to receive an acclaim from the pundits of musical tone and timbre.

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