Friday, May 17, 2024

Just Be By Liz Fawcett


Just Be


Liz Fawcett

Written by

Steve Sheppard


A new name to me, but one that I will certainly remember in Liz Fawcett, she has a new single out called Just Be and it is possibly the breath of fresh air this genre needed right now. Fawcett’s vocals caress the subject matter and deliver a pitch perfect reverie to thoroughly enjoy.

Just Be is a powerful message, an insightful song of advice we should all take, when all gets too much to bear, just let it go, drop the baggage and, just be! Here on this stunning new song the voice of Liz is the panacea to smooth the ride, the climatic percussion and onward drive to an inevitable crescendo is so very well done, it is no wonder that the new age pop genre is now a thriving entity.

Very empowering songs are making their way through and past the banality of modern day pop music now; this is most certainly one of them, and what the artist has created here will have longevity throughout the years, and a reflective essence to the composition that will quickly become a fan favourite with many listeners across the globe.

Just Be by Liz Fawcett has an edge to it that will see it attain greatness and its plaudits will be well deserved, it’s a song that should take flight into the higher echelons of the charts and remain in the hearts and minds of the willing listener as they begin to let go and, Just Be.

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